
New Year's Eve

Today is the very last day of this year. I will write about a reflection of this year and a plan for the next year. At first I will start from my jobs. I could not work well suffering melancholia in several years, so it is great for me to …


今年ももう今日で最後。今年の総括と来年の抱負を書こうと思う。 まず、仕事に関して。 ここ数年来、うつ病でまともに働けなかったけれど、今年は久しぶりにきちんと働くことができたことが最大の収穫だった。 一昨年の10月に、現場では自分は使いものになら…


@yagian: It's 100.4 degrees F. Take care. I wish you will be fine soon. RT @Roxyfighter: whats 38 degrees Celcius in F?2010-12-30 21:13:12 via Chromed Bird @yagian: Most of TV programs are trash, but "Best of Best" programs on NHK-BS are w…