
The Japanese Government Should Share the Lesson of the Fukushima Nuclear Accident Over the World

Kazuyo Katsuma wrote the article "A Proposal about the Nuclear Accident – We Should Stop a Risk Causing New Risks" on the website "REAL-JAPAN.ORG". (http://goo.gl/eW4FS) This journal is a comment on her article. We should think of two aspe…


REAL-JAPAN.ORGというウェブサイトで勝間和代が「原発事故への提言 − リスクがリスクを招かないようにしたい」という文章を書いていた。(http://goo.gl/eW4FS) 以下は、勝間和代の文章に対するコメントである。 今回の福島第一原子力発電所の事故を契機に考…


@yagian: Whatever happened, spring has come, again. URL2011-04-03 14:11:15 via Hatena @yagian: I saw cherry blossoms blooming along Kanda river, and I heard a warbler singing behind my home. This is the spring in Japan.2011-04-03 12:37:43 …