

@yagian: The government can't give assurance of safety of radio active substances. But we should get along with them. URL2011-12-03 21:10:33 via Silver Bird @yagian: I want to watch the film "Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy", but when will it co…


@yagian: Bobby Valentine will be a manager of Red Sox. URL2011-11-30 12:54:19 via Silver Bird @yagian: I've got over 10,000 accesses to my English weblog for almost a year. Thank you! URL2011-11-30 12:44:16 via Silver Bird @yagian: 【すず…


@yagian: Everyday Life in Uptown Tokyo: House of Rising Sun URL2011-11-27 16:46:22 via Tweet Button @yagian: [雑感][音楽][読書]ヒップホップを楽しむことはできるのか URL2011-11-27 14:24:27 via Hatena @yagian: 【ミシェル・フーコー: 近代を裏か…


@yagian: It's a pay day! Wow, wow, wow!!!2011-11-18 06:59:43 via Silver Bird @yagian: It's Friday morning! And tomorrow is Saturday!! Just ONE day to work left!!! Wow!!!!!2011-11-18 06:44:31 via Silver Bird


@yagian: I've finished Agota Kristof's novel "The Notebook" just now. It's a quite cool hard-boiled novel. URL2011-11-16 17:48:01 via Silver Bird @yagian: 【悪童日記 (ハヤカワepi文庫)/アゴタ クリストフ】とてつもなくクールなハードボイルド小…


@yagian: "Moneyball"; Statistics and Baseball URL2011-11-15 12:57:43 via Silver Bird @yagian: Today "Starman" is repeated in my brain. "There's a starman waiting in the sky, he'd come and meet us. But he thinks he'd blow our mind."2011-11-…


@yagian: 【歴史主義の貧困―社会科学の方法と実践/カール R.ポパー】ポパーの議論はほんとうにロジカルでクリア。納得させられるけれど、面白味には欠ける。この本はマルクス主義の厳しい批判で、批判はもっともなんだけ... →URL #bookmeter2011-11-14 07:48…


@yagian: 今日の「ボクらの時代」谷川俊太郎、箭内道彦、宮藤官九郎の三人で面白かった。 URL2011-11-13 16:54:28 via Hatena @yagian: 【きのう何食べた?(5) (モーニングKC)/よしなが ふみ】よしながふみってほんとうにマンガうまいよね。「大奥」も読ん…


イート @yagian: My wife and I drunk wine with my parents in their house.2011-11-12 22:21:18 via Silver Bird @yagian: Don't Rely on My Will - What I've Gotten through Suffering from Depression (2) - URL2011-11-12 08:48:17 via Silver Bird @y…


@yagian: It's Friday! Tomorrow is Saturday!2011-11-11 06:15:18 via Silver Bird


@yagian: 西洋近代思想についての個人的な覚書 URL2011-11-07 12:59:35 via Hatena @yagian: I got a question, "Like the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis?" on my journal ( URL ). This incisive question made me happy!2011-11-07 06:28:26 via Silver Bird @ya…


@yagian: Does Prime Minister Berlusconi wear a wig or have hair implant?2011-11-05 21:47:39 via Silver Bird @yagian: I'm reading Mannheim's "An Ideology And Utopia". Marxism isn't true, but Marx is the most influential philosopher in the m…


@yagian: I'm mentally very motivated, but physically very exhausted.2011-11-02 08:02:54 via Silver Bird @yagian: I feel that I lose my harmony of my body and heart.2011-11-02 06:02:32 via Silver Bird @yagian: 「天才バカボン」も RT @kentaro…


@yagian: My wife and I cooked and ate lasagna with nice Italian wine together.2011-10-30 19:06:48 via Silver Bird @yagian: ずっと死んでたんだけど、最近、ちょっと生き返ってる。また死んじゃうかも知れないけどね。RT @fumi_o: 何十年も生きている…


@yagian: Work, sushi, karaoke, beer.2011-10-29 22:59:13 via Silver Bird @yagian: 「雑文集」にも海外のインタビューの和訳が収録されていますよね。RT @shinagawazaru: 春樹さんインタビューの和訳、拝読いたしました。日本では語っていないことが語ら…


@yagian: The fresh morning sun is brightly shining at my room.2011-10-28 06:36:15 via Silver Bird @yagian: この記事「マネジャーの心得」を書いたら( URL )、こんな記事「ザ・プロジェクトマネジメント」( URL )を書いてくれた人がいた。こういう交流…


@yagian: I got so tired that I took a nap but I'm still tired.2011-10-27 17:56:59 via Silver Bird @yagian: 昨日、社内研修の講師をしたけれど、正直手抜きだった。忘れないうちに反省点を列挙しておこう。 URL2011-10-27 06:02:47 via Hatena @yagian…


@yagian: まじめな話、北杜夫って「どくとるマンボウ」もいいけど、むしろ「楡家の人びと」じゃなかろうか。2011-10-26 21:18:50 via Silver Bird @yagian: @Owl59 インターネットは集合知の世界ですからね。2011-10-26 16:29:11 via Silver Bird to @Owl59 …


@yagian: 村上春樹が「1Q84」英語版のためのインタビューを和訳してみました。 URL2011-10-24 21:27:19 via Hatena @yagian: sleepy, sleepy, sleepy, snoopy, sleepy.2011-10-24 13:10:36 via Silver Bird @yagian: It's a cool and cloudy Monday morning …


@yagian: Although I have to and want to work more, read more books, and write a new journal, I got so tired that I can't do so....2011-10-21 05:51:56 via Silver Bird


@yagian: The downside of the clouds in autumn sky are shined in bright red purple by the sun setting in Tokyo.2011-10-19 17:15:46 via Silver Bird @yagian: Mutual understanding is fatally important in every aspect of human life but really d…


@yagian: 「インラインで失礼します」ってわざわざ書かなくてもなぁ。こんどは「アウトラインで失礼いたしません」ってメールに書いてみようかしら。2011-10-15 18:04:25 via Silver Bird @yagian: 【蘭学事始 (岩波文庫 青 20-1)/杉田 玄白 他】学習の基礎…


@yagian: 「よろしく」を「ヨロシク」と書くと、いきなり永ちゃんになれる。2011-10-14 21:18:05 via Silver Bird @yagian: 私もよく似合っていると思いました。髪をアップにしてたのがよかったのかな。 RT @y226beer: 失礼な言い方かもしれないけど、澤の着…


@yagian: Accept everyone else, no matter what kind of person they are. Accept yourself, no matter what kind of person you are.2011-10-12 06:00:47 via Silver Bird @yagian: 空気を読みあってもやもやするより、身も蓋もなく率直に聞いてしまえばい…


@yagian: Ben folds sung "Song for the Dumped (金返せ)" in English and Japanese. URL2011-10-10 21:31:35 via Silver Bird @yagian: 【鴎外の思い出 (岩波文庫)/小金井 喜美子】鴎外ファンとしてはとっくに読んでおかなければならなかった本だったけど、…


@yagian: I ate the first matsutake in this autumn at my wife's mother's birthday party in Tofuya-Ukai. URL2011-10-09 22:22:09 via Silver Bird @yagian: @kamechiyosaburo ジルご存知ですか。なかなかっすねぇ。2011-10-09 11:10:38 via Silver Bird…


@yagian: My baseball season ended.... URL2011-10-07 16:36:45 via Silver Bird @yagian: Text of Steve Jobs' Commencement address (2005) URL via @stanford2011-10-07 06:20:03 via Tweet Button @yagian: 近代の芸術とプログレとジェイムス・ブラウン…


@yagian: "Stay hungry, stay foolish." Steve Jobs2011-10-06 21:24:53 via Silver Bird @yagian: He knew his own death and finished his last job. URL URL URL2011-10-06 09:11:35 via Silver Bird @yagian: Just keep doing what you can do for every…


@yagian: Don't decide things by "easiness" but "love"! URL2011-10-05 12:39:10 via Silver Bird @yagian: Don't decide things by "easiness" but "love". 「楽」できめるな。「好きで」決めるんだ。(みうらじゅん、田口トモロヲ「ブロンソンならこう言…


@yagian: 外国語学習者として何を目指すべきか、アゴタ・クリストフ(「悪童日記」の作者)がひとつのモデルとなると思った。 URL2011-10-02 18:14:41 via Hatena @yagian: 【林芙美子随筆集 (岩波文庫)/林 芙美子】なんということはない、しかし、すなおな…