
My Religion Is Animism

There is a column of religious views in a profile on Facebook. I filled Animism in that column. Of course it's kind of a joke, but a little bit serious. My parents, who don't have strong faith, are sponsors of Buddhist temple of Honganji s…


Facebookのプロフィール欄に「宗教」という項目がある。私は、アニミズムと書いている。もちろん、冗談半分だけれども、真剣なところもある。 確かに、日本の多くの家庭と同様に、親族の葬式は仏式で営み、熱心な信者という訳ではないけれど、両親は、一応浄…


@yagian: I got back home at 10:30 p.m. So I missed Super Bowl....2011-02-07 22:47:39 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I wander why the Constitution of Japan isn't similar to the Constitution of the United States of America.2011-02-07 09:00:05 via…