

@yagian: あの当時の二子山部屋はガチンコだったらしいですね。貴乃花と若乃花を許さないのは、若乃花の優勝決定戦でガチンコ教育をしていた親方から若乃花に勝ちを譲るようにいわれたからとか。 RT @emiponzu: @yagian 貴闘力がクビになったのはガチンコ力…


@yagian: Are you boarding an airplane?! RT @egocco: Hello. Tweeting from the sky. :)2011-02-24 06:27:38 via Chromed Bird @yagian: [Twitter]2011年02月23日のツイート URL2011-02-24 00:04:22 via Hatena


@yagian: I wonder why Qadhafi has been "Colonel" for so long time.2011-02-23 20:25:11 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I'm reading Minae Mizumura's book "To read books", and I realize that she is a very buestocking of literature.2011-02-23 11:10:…


@yagian: I've finished a duck party in Soba restaurant. I ate boiled ducks and drunk Shimeharizuru.2011-02-22 23:47:37 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I wrote about motto of my business on weblog. URL2011-02-22 23:33:19 via Hatena @yagian: 自分…

The Motto in Business

Recently I've recovered from depression, and I get to be able to work like other people. I have energy enough to think of important things on business. I tell myself two mottos on business. The first one is as follows. I tighten up on my b…


最近、ずいぶんうつ病から回復してきて、まともに仕事をすることができるようになってきた。そんなこともあり、仕事をする上で大切な事はなにか、考えることもある。 今、二つのことを、仕事をする上でのモットーにしている。 上司には厳しく、部下には優し…


@yagian: 【日本語が亡びるとき―英語の世紀の中で/水村 美苗】言いたいことはわかるけどねぇ、という感じ。 URL #bookmeter2011-02-21 23:21:10 via 読書メーター @yagian: Thank you. I don't have enough energy on Monday morning. I'll be getting bette…


@yagian: But I'm not sure that almost Japanese people should do that.2011-02-20 21:59:45 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I also love Japanese modern literature and I'm trying to communicate in English as a universal language.2011-02-20 21:59:08 …

Trapped Underground

I had a dream. In it, I take the Keio line and get off at a station in Suginami-ku. There is a huge cube made of brown rocks, which look like an ancient ruin, in front of the station. I’m a member of the investigation team that researches …


こんな夢を見た。 京王線に乗って、世田谷区にあるとある駅に降りる。 駅前に、巨大な褐色の岩でできた立方体の遺跡のようなものがある。 自分は、調査隊の一員で、その遺跡を調査することになっている。 直方体の裏側に回ると、人が横になってやっと通れる…


@yagian: It's good for Arabic people to overthrow despot governments, but it may be more difficult to build new democratic governments by themselves.2011-02-19 17:19:28 via Chromed Bird @yagian: This is a present for me working hard recent…


@yagian: I've watched "Toy Story 3" with my wife. Pixer's films always make us laugh and cry.2011-02-18 23:33:12 via Chromed Bird @yagian: So do I. RT @egocco: @yagian Absolutely. But I don't like rain in workday mornings. Going to work in…


@yagian: Jai guru deva om2011-02-17 21:10:42 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I make my motto to say hard words in gentle manner with soft voice.2011-02-17 20:53:24 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I tighten up on my boss and go easy on subordinates. An…


@yagian: I have a happy time to get a drink with colleagues at Shinagawa seaside.2011-02-16 23:28:55 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I wrote about the way how my golf coach teach me on weblog. URL2011-02-16 12:50:25 via Hatena @yagian: ゴルフの…

Making Progress Step by Step

My wife and I have been going to golf school for 14 months. At first our golf was terrible, but now we can play a round of golf by ourselves. One of the reasons we were able to make good progress is that our coach might have taught us in a…


つれあいと私で、ゴルフスクールに通い始めて14か月になる。最初はゴルフになっていなかったけれど、最近では、二人でラウンドできるぐらいの腕前になった。上達したのは、コーチの教え方がよかったからだと思う。 コーチは、一回のレッスンではあまりたくさ…


@yagian: I wrote about the reason why I keep on swimming on weblog. URL2011-02-15 14:49:28 via Hatena @yagian: 水泳の孤独な楽しみについてウェブログに書きました。 URL2011-02-15 14:48:04 via Hatena @yagian: 例えば、厳格なムスリムから見れば、…

Pleasures in Water

In my childhood I went to swimming school every Sunday. I don't remember that I loved swimming. But I might not hate going to swimming school. Maybe I thought nothing of that, and I just went swimming in habit. After I've grown up, I thoug…


子どもの頃、毎週日曜日にスイミングスクールに通っていた。それほど水泳が好きだったという記憶もないが、スイミングスクールに行くのがいやだったわけではない。何も考えずに習慣として毎週水泳をしていた。 大人になって、なにか運動をしなければと思った…


@yagian: My wife gave me chocolate made by Pierre Marcolini, and dinner was Sukiyaki.2011-02-14 23:16:15 via Chromed Bird @yagian: Giant snowflakes! RT @egocco Good evening. It starts snowing! Giant snowflakes are falling from the sky.2011…


@yagian: 中央に協会があって、その下に部屋がぶる下がっているスタイルって、暴力団そのものだしねぇ。 RT @yinamoto: 日本相撲協会は公益法人をやめて指定暴力団になるという離れ業を思いついた。2011-02-13 21:52:30 via Chromed Bird @yagian: My Englis…

When My English Was Improved

I've read Katsuya Sugawara's "Between English and Japanese". An international survey discovered that the competency of Japanese people in English language was lower than most other countries, so English education in Japanese public schools…


菅原克也「英語と日本語のあいだ」を読んだ。 国際的な調査で、日本人の英語力の低さが明らかになっている。このため、学校における英語教育は長年批判されている。そこで、文部科学省は、高校における英語教育をダイレクト・メソッドによるオーラルのコミュ…


@yagian: Borders will go bankrupt. URL How about the future of Maruzen, Konokuniya and Zyunkudo? I guess they'll combine to survive.2011-02-12 13:27:02 via Chromed Bird @yagian: まじめに言えば誤訳なんでしょうけど、おもしろいから大佐のまま…

The Japan Sumo Association and the Problem of Fixed Fights

The Japan Sumo Association is shaken by the problem of fixed fights. The president Hanaregoma declared that the Japan Sumo Association would not hold a grand sumo tournament before it makes the suspicion of fixed fights clear. It is said t…


日本相撲協会が八百長問題で揺れている。放駒理事長は、疑惑が完全に解明されるまでは場所を開催しないと宣言したから、春場所はもちろん、夏場所も開催できないのではないかと言われている。 これまでも、大相撲で八百長が行われているという報道はあったし…


@yagian: 【英語と日本語のあいだ (講談社現代新書)/菅原 克也】I realized that I should learn English more and more. It\'s a long and w... URL #bookmeter2011-02-11 22:07:05 via 読書メーター @yagian: 目白押し packed like sardines2011-02-11 20:…


@yagian: My wife and I ate mackerel Sushi of Izuu, which my wife had bought at Kyoto.2011-02-10 22:52:41 via Chromed Bird @yagian: I should think more seriously how to make the members of our project work as hard as they can.2011-02-10 21:…


@yagian: Party is over. In fact Japanese "Enkai" is over.2011-02-09 22:22:39 via Keitai Web @yagian: I wrote about the fun of writing in English. URL2011-02-09 18:07:51 via Hatena @yagian: I wrote about fun of writing in English. URL2011-0…

I Like Tense in English

Recently I enjoy writing in English on my weblog and Twitter. Although I've written it before, trying to express what I mean in English is fun like solving a puzzle. It's fun to think work out which word best conveys what I mean and which …