Lang 8で添削してもらった

Lang 8(でネイティブに添削してもらった。上段が私が書いた文章。下段の青い文字が添削後。なんだか、すごく英語っぽくなっている(あたりまえだけど)。

A Strawberry Dream
There is a clear red strawberry on a desk.

There was a clear red strawberry on a desk. (or--> In it, there is a.....)

I see a vine is growing out from the hull of the strawberry in slow motion.

I see a vine growing out from the hull of the strawberry in slow motion.

The vine is growing and growing to be twisted.

The vine is growing and growing to be twisted. In a winding motion the vine twists and distorts as it grows.

Meanwhile the strawberry itself is getting small.

Meanwhile, as a result of the vine growing bigger, the strawberry itself is starts to shrivel and shrink.

The vine is tangled up with my index finger.

The vine then entangles itself around my index finger.

At first it is tangled with just a one finger, and then it covers all of my hand.

At first it wraps itself around just one finger, but it then soon covers all of my hand.

While I see my hand, I am thinking what is going on vaguely.

Whilst looking at my hand, I vaguely ponder about how it is doing this.