
今、"The Daily Drucker"という本をKindleでぽつぽつ読んでいる。1月1日から12月31日まで毎日一編づつドラッカーの著作からの引用を読むという趣向である。一日分は数分で読める分量で、また、文章もわかりやすく英語を読むの練習にもちょうどいいと思う。

2月13日 自由の性質 "The Nature of Freedom"

Freedom is not fun. It is not the same as individual happiness, nor is it security or peace or progress. It is a responsible choice. Freedom is not so much a right as a duty. Real freedom is not freedom from something; that would be license. It is freedom to choose between doing or not doing something, to act one way or another, to hold one belief or the opposite. It is not "fun" but the heaviest burden laid on man: to decide his own individual conduct as well as the conduct of society and to be responsible for both decisions.


2月14日 政治におけるリーダーシップへの要望 "Demands on Political Leadership"

Charisma is "hot" today. There is an enormous amount of talk about it, and an enormous number of books are written on the charismatic leader. But, the desire for charisma is a political death wish. No century has seen more leaders with more charisma than the twentieth century, and never have political leaders done greater damage than the four giant leaders done greater damage than Stalin, Mussolini, Hitler, and Mao. What matters is not charisma. What matters is whether the leader leads in the right direction or misleads. The constructive achievements of the twentieth century were the work of completely uncharismatic people. The two military men who guided the Allies to victory in World War II were Dwight Eisenhower and George Marshall. Both were highly disciplined, highly competent, and deadly dull.
Perhaps the greatest cause for hope, for optimism is that to the new majority, the knowledge workers, the old politics make no sense at all. But proven competence does.


The Daily Drucker

The Daily Drucker