@yagian: Hibiya line stopped now.
@yagian: There is a leader who is thinking and others who are following the leader in a band of goats. I decide to be a leader of the band of goat.
@yagian: I'm filled with a feeling of inability and suddenly rising strong anger in my heart. I may be disturbed by the earthquake.
@yagian: @takapon_jp 【拡散希望】Public Traffic Information in Tokyo Area on March 14th in English. Please Retreet. URL
@yagian: 【拡散希望】Public Traffic Information in Tokyo Area on March 14th in English. Please Retreet. URL
@yagian: There is despairingly small amount of information about the earthquake.
@yagian: サイマルラジオで地方のコミュニティFMを聞いてちょっと和んだ。 URL RT @kutabirehateko: <ニュース>地震以外に何が起きているのかまったくわからない。 地方新聞のサイトへいけばいいのか。 URL
@yagian: I'm doing everyday work at office. I wonder if I should do such things now.
@yagian: I heard the data center, which my company uses, has in-house power generation, so my company can continue service.
@yagian: I'm now working at office in Tokyo.
@yagian: I should keep good shape in physical and mental now. So I should sleep enough, but I woke up too early.