@yagian: Usually I change my business suits at the end of Golden week every year. RT @fummy: @yagian It's hard to decide when to do...
@yagian: My motto is "I will just do what I can do", so today I do nothing that is only what I can do.
@yagian: I smells very Tokyo from Haruomi Hosono's song "The Love Is Rosy". URL
@yagian: I thought that, but it starts to rain. RT @yagian I'll take my winter clothes from my wardrobe to a laundry, today.
@yagian: 「一層の努力が必要」ってすごく無責任な印象。 RT @kharaguchi: 浜岡原発の停止を求めてきましたが、総理が終に停止要請。危機回避のために必要な措置だと考えます。中部電力管内の原発は、稼働ゼロに。経済が活発で有数の工業地帯の中部。エネルギー確保に向けて一層の努力が必要。