@yagian: I'm a little drunken, and feel happy. Good meal and good wine, I don't need any more.
@yagian: While I'm cooking spaghetti Bolognese, I drink white wine with cheese on Saturday evening. It's tiny but certain happiness (小確幸).
@yagian: 【室町の王権―足利義満の王権簒奪計画 (中公新書)/今谷 明】足利義満って日本歴史上重要人物だと思うけど、歴史小説ではあまり取り扱われない。やっぱり天皇タブーに引っかかるのかな。 URL #bookmeter
@yagian: In a swimming pool I swam slowly, stretched my body and relaxed myself. This week I was quite tired, so I need to be refreshed.
@yagian: Thanks! RT @kenichiro_u: 傑作RT I wrote about my first encounter of the Internet in the early Iron Age on my weblog. URL
@yagian: I wrote about my first encounter of the Internet in the early Iron Age on my weblog. It's a really old tale. URL
@yagian: 「嗣子」(しし)かなぁ。「後嗣」(あとつぎ)とか。 RT @reina_h: ヒグチシンジの名前すら忘れていて、ガメラの映画監督の人、としか頭に入ってなかった。もともと、嗣はなんと入力したら変換してくれるんだろう。