@yagian: I've finished Agota Kristof's novel "The Notebook" just now. It's a quite cool hard-boiled novel. URL
@yagian: 【悪童日記 (ハヤカワepi文庫)/アゴタ クリストフ】とてつもなくクールなハードボイルド小説、としか表現しようがないかも。 →URL #bookmeter
@yagian: It's still dark and cold in the very early winter morning.
@yagian: That's right! RT @Owl59: @yagian David Bowie!
@yagian: Yes, I will! RT @Owl59 Am planning to watch "Moneyball", too. Am looking forward to reading your blog post/tweet re:movie. No pressure, tho.